Saturday, December 22, 2007


I believe that everyone has shown each of the colors in their personality at one point or another. There are just some colors that represent us more than others and are therefore shown more frequently. Blue is the color that is shown more in me. It is a peaceful, calm color. There is also the depression factor involved with this color but I do not find that that part represents who I am.

A few weeks ago some of my friends and I were driving to the Willow Brook Mall. My friend was driving. None of us had ever driven in this area and we were trying to follow two different sets of directions. We took a wrong turn and were lost. We were on the highway traveling back home. We all panicked at first. My friend that was driving was on the virge of tears. However, I remained calm and we were able to pull over for directions. We pulled into a florist. The lady was really nice but a little crazy. She gave us great directions. She told us we needed to think to ourselves that we could get there. My friend was still really anxious though. The rest of the way I had to keep telling her that everything was going to be fine. It turned out that we were only about five minutes from the mall. We made it there fine and had a great time. On the way home, we once again got lost. This time we only made one wrong turn. We weren't on the highway and I knew exactly how to get home. My friend freaked again. She thought we were really lost. She kept telling us nothing looked familiar. I kept telling her we only made one wrong turn but she didn't believe me. I stayed calm and navigated us back to our destination. No matter what kind of situation you are in it is crucial to stay calm and think positively.

1 comment:

elleinad said...

honestly, this assignment was soo tough. As i read some blogs iv noticed people wrote about situations that displayed them being those characterisitcs of the color but not so much as to WHY they are that color.i dont know if what im trying to say makes sense. I dont know if thats the wrong or right way but your story definitly displayed you being blue i would have just liked to hear more about the actual color and ALL the aspects of it both positive AND negative.. good jobbb